I Belong Here
I grew up in Southern California, but most of my extended family lived in Honolulu, Hawaii.
Even Simple Invitations Matter
Just this morning, I reached out to many friends to invite them to dinner at our house tomorrow night.
Flywheel Podcast: Building Communites that Inspire Connection
This week Victor Jimenez hosted me for a conversation for entrepreneurs on building cultures of belonging.
Cultural Values and Your Warm Body
Every community leader that I meet with wants to tell me about the values of his or her organization.
Your People Are Desperate for Belonging
It almost doesn’t matter what you see and think it means.
StoryCorps: A Lesson in Belonging
Recently, I heard this piece produced by StoryCorps. It moved me, in part because it is about feeling at home in America.
Meditation Lessons for Belonging
For many years now, I've kept up a regular practice of meditation which crosses over with contemplative prayer practice.
New Year’s Ritual
Mark Levy asked about creating a meaningful experience around New Years celebration.
Book Writing Lessons Learned the Hard Way
In the past two and a half years, I’ve written two books, moved across the country, bought a crack house, and then lived in a construction site for a year while we made it a not-crack house.
Defining Community
Communities help us succeed where we cannot by ourselves. This can look like others showing up when we are at our weakest.
3 a.m. Friends
What’s a 3 a.m. friend? My friend Nick taught me the term: it’s those people we can call at the most inconvenient time imaginable to ask for help, and they’ll welcome our call.