More Than a Space: The Hidden Power of Temples in Community
What Is the Temple Principle?
At some point, we’ve all felt the magic of a space that makes us feel connected, welcome, and part of something bigger than ourselves. It might be a grand place designed by learned people. It may also include a childhood backyard, a favorite coffee shop, or even a living room where important life events were announced and celebrated happen.
The Price of Winning: How Competition Fuels Our Hidden Loneliness
Competition and Loneliness: The Unseen Patterns
The statistics are startling. In the United States, half of the population reports having three or fewer close friends. To put it another way, every second person you may not have a fourth close friend to call upon. Even more concerning, one in six American men confess to having no close friends at all. And it's not just about numbers; there's a widespread dissatisfaction with the quantity and quality of friendships we maintain.
Why Fun Matters: The Role of Play in Strong Communities
Why Play Matters in Building Community
Most people think of rituals as serious, highly structured events—ceremonies, speeches, and long traditions with deep meaning. But what if I told you that play is just as important? Play rituals are moments of joy and shared experience that deepen relationships and strengthen a sense of belonging.
The Power of Small Groups: Building Real Community in a Digital World
Why We Need Campfire Experiences
We already know that people have gathered around campfires to share stories, and build the relationships that matter for millennia. The intimacy of the circle, and the absence of distractions created a space where people could see and hear one another.
From Outsider to Insider: The Role of Initiations in Community
The Boundary Principle: Why Community Requires Exclusion
Many people believe that building a strong community means inviting everyone, all the time, to everything. While this belief comes from a generous and well-meaning place, it's ultimately misguided. Real intimate community often needs boundaries so we can focus and serve the people we're intending to gather. Without a boundary to tell them and us who is on the inside and otherwise, we cannot know who we’re investing in. If we don't know for whom we're investing, we can't make a space appropriate for them and the experiences that support their bonding. A story I learned from a of firefighter offers a powerful illustration of this principle.
The Guardian Interview: Lessons on Community
The Illusion of Community—And What It Really Takes to Build One
The word community evokes a sense of warmth, belonging, and connection. We hear it used to describe workplaces, social groups, and many online spaces. But how often do these so-called communities actually create space for rewarding relationships and mutual care that true community can deliver?
The Firefighter Example: Why Not Everyone Belongs in Every Space
The Boundary Principle: Why Community Requires Exclusion
Many people believe that building a strong community means inviting everyone, all the time, to everything. While this belief comes from a generous and well-meaning place, it's ultimately misguided. Real intimate community often needs boundaries so we can focus and serve the people we're intending to gather. Without a boundary to tell them and us who is on the inside and otherwise, we cannot know who we’re investing in. If we don't know for whom we're investing, we can't make a space appropriate for them and the experiences that support their bonding. A story I learned from a of firefighter offers a powerful illustration of this principle.
Transform Small Talk into Deep Connections with Emotional Questions
The Art of Crafting Conversations That Connect
In a long list of big room events with much entertainment, we often forget the power of a quiet conversation. And, it's within these tranquil moments that the seeds of friendship, mutual support, and personal enrichment are sown. To truly cultivate these connections, we must be intentional about the settings we choose for our interactions. Consider the serenity of parks, the warmth of fire rings, or the cozy corners of quiet coffee shops where you can hear others without distraction —these are the places where powerful relationships take root and flourish.
Google Case Study
Charles Vogl’s Work with Google During the Pandemic
Author and researcher Dr. Jessica Grossmeier gained rare permission from Google to discuss some of Charles’ work with the firm during the Covid pandemic. Below is an excerpt from her recent book.
Today I Fulfilled a Dream
Today I fulfilled a dream, and better yet, I recognized it in the moment.
Up til now, I haven’t discussed publicly that, not quite a year ago and just weeks after Covid isolation became our California lifestyle, I developed concerning symptoms which lead to many weeks of medical testing. Eventually, I found myself waiting for biopsy results that would help me know how much a tumor might threaten my life, or perhaps radically change it. Sitting each evening in quiet prayer, I had time to reflect on what I wanted to leave for my 3 year old son to remember, take, or embrace from our time together to help him grow into a generous and committed man, instead of something based on masculine caricatures.
Head, Hand & Heart Gathering
Recently I've been thinking ever more deeply about how we can use the digital tools we got to help deepen the connections we want during this terrible Covid time. I went back to one of my favorite books, The Mystic Heart by Br. Wayne Teasdale. He reminded me that in spiritual contemplative communities members gather in at least three different ways. He refers to them as the Head, Hand, and Heart.
Mirage Community: It looks like community from a distance. It’s not.
Hundreds of brands, from Glossier to Starbucks and Walmart to LinkedIn, built transformative and supportive communities in cities around the world from soup to nuts in 2018. Not.
The Campfire Principle for Community
Community leaders who talk to us about building community often envision building to a membership that will eventually fill an arena. Teams at Salesforce, Twitch, and Crossfit have achieved this.
Why do Communities Need Boundaries?
Many people are afraid to erect boundaries around their community. They worry that boundaries can exclude, humiliate, and alienate others. There’s no question that boundaries can be used that way, and, all too often, are. But that doesn't mean that all boundaries are bad.
Community & Accountability
This month, I worked with someone who works for an elected official in a major US city.
Kubu and Belonging
If you haven’t seen the film, “Kubu and the 2 Strings”, this post contains a lot of spoilers.
Do Your People Know They Belong? (How)?
When leaders ask me how to make their community stronger, the first question that jumps to my mind is, “Do your people know that they belong?”
Boundaries are for Safety
I understand why many leaders I talk to seem to be afraid of creating boundaries. They don't want to emulate the jerks they've met who create elitist, snobby, almost pointless boundaries simply to keep others out.
Belonging in the Surf
One of my most magical memories is from when I was about 29 years old and moonlight surfing on Waikiki Beach with my cousin Kelly Chang and dear friend Hugh Khim.