More Than a Space: The Hidden Power of Temples in Community

What Is the Temple Principle?

At some point, we’ve all felt the magic of a space that makes us feel connected, welcome, and part of something bigger than ourselves. It might be a grand place designed by learned people. It may also include a childhood backyard, a favorite coffee shop, or even a living room where important life events were announced and celebrated happen.

This is the Temple Principle's importance — the idea that a space dedicated to shared rituals and values strengthens a community’s legitimacy and connection.

In this post, we’ll reflect how sacred spaces — both permanent and temporary —play an important role in bringing people together and why we should intentionally create them for our communities.

The Power of a Sacred Space

When many people hear of a “temple,” they think of religious places like churches, mosques, or synagogues. Temple Principle extends far beyond religious settings.

In my work, a temple is simply a place where people with shared values enact their community’s rituals. A backyard, a beach, a living room, or even a rented banquet hall can count.

Intention matters: when a space is set aside for meaningful connection, it becomes something more than just a location—it becomes sacred.

We know it is sacred because the rules are different in a space when it is sacred. Things happen and things are said there that do not happen or are said aloud other places.

Throughout history, enduring communities create and protect places dedicated to gathering for special reasons. These spaces make the group’s values visible, reinforce belonging, and create a recognition of shared identity.

Even today, the most resilient and tight-knit groups—whether religious, cultural, or professional—use physical spaces to strengthen bonds. If we want to create lasting and meaningful communities, we can do the same. 

It Doesn’t Have to Be Permanent

A powerful aspect of the Temple Principle is that a sacred space doesn’t have to be a permanent structure.
· A beach where a family gathers every year to celebrate a tradition.
· A banquet hall transformed for a wedding or a milestone event.
· A backyard where a community meets regularly for meals and honoring.

What matters is not the space itself but the way it is used.
For example, in my own home, we use our living room for a very special birthday ritual every year for my son. The space isn’t always sacred, but on that day, it is transformed into something meaningful for our family.

The key is to set the space apart from everyday life, making it special for those who gather there.

The Role of Rituals in Sacred Spaces

Sacred spaces are most powerful when paired with rituals — actions that hold meaning.
Among many offerings, rituals help us recognize and honor change. Often when we gather for a ritual, we collectively acknowledge that someone or something has changed.

For example, I once attended a wedding on a beach in Hawaii. The couple created a physical boundary by placing a circle of flowers around the ceremony area. Guests had to step over this line to enter the sacred space. This simple act of crossing a boundary signified the transition from ordinary space into a special, intentional gathering.

In that space we honored their relationship change into a life long commitment and a bonding of two families.

Boundaries like this—whether physical or symbolic—help define what happens within a space, making it distinct from the outside world.

Boundaries: What Makes a Space Sacred

One of the simplest ways to create a sacred space is by marking a boundary.
Boundaries don’t have to be elaborate. They can be:
● A doorway that people walk through, symbolizing entry into a special space.
● A ring of flowers, like at the wedding ceremony.
● A simple fence, like the one around a backyard, defining the gathering space.

My friend Seth shared how for the years of his martial arts practice, his instructor made all bow at the doorway before stepping into class. He instructed:
"When you bow, imagine leaving everything else behind—your stress, distractions, and worries. Inside this space, we are fully present."

This simple ritual transformed an ordinary university gym into a space of discipline and focus. The boundary made the inside more special.

When you create a clear boundary, you signal to participants that something special happens here.

The Power of Invitations: Who You Invite Matters

A space isn’t special just because of how it looks—it’s special because of who gathers there.
Think about an important life event, like a baptism or wedding. If an influential person showed up — someone deeply meaningful to you — the entire space would feel more sacred.
When creating a sacred space for your community, be intentional about who you invite:
Invite those who share your values.
Invite those who will contribute to the significance of the gathering.

How to Apply the Temple Principle to Your Community

If you want to strengthen your community, create intentional spaces for connection. You can simply designate a place for meaningful gathering. Let others recognize you're making it special.

Here’s how to start:
Define a boundary. Use a door, fence, circle, or symbolic action to separate the space.
Create rituals. Consider actions you can share together that have meaning for you.
Invite intentionally. Bring people together with purpose, not just convenience.

When you do this, you turn many spaces into a temple—a sacred place where people feel they belong.

Are you creating spaces that make people feel connected?
Let’s build communities that last.

Watch the full episode on the Temple Principle here: The Art of Community Conversations Episode 4

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